Category: Pastors



It is inspiring to watch men and women minister to the spiritual and physical needs of their flock, often in very difficult conditions. India is home to over half of the world’s unreached people groups; tens of millions of people have never heard the name of Jesus Christ. In northern India, where India Connection operates, persecution of God’s church can be intense. From dirt trails in the mountains to teeming city streets, our pastors walk mile after mile proclaiming the gospel. With your support, some of them have been able to buy a scooter, which greatly expands the area they can reach with the good news of hope and salvation.

From Our Blog

Finding My Place With God

Over the past few months our pastors have been able to minister to many people facing anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts.  For some, hopelessness has set in, and much counseling and help is being given. Praise God for His comfort and for bringing us joy even in our suffering.

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Reaching The Unreached

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