We are in a season of unprecedented growth at India Connection as the Lord continues to use us to reach the unreached and teach the untaught. Every area of ministry is thriving – the Girls Home, the Medical Clinic, our annual missions trips, the Koinonia College of Theology, and our pastors in the field.  

Sometimes we are asked which of our ministries is the most important, but that’s not the right question. All of them play a significant role, and each one gives us a unique platform to spread the Gospel. Our goal is that everyone will hear the good news of the amazing saving grace of Jesus Christ.

The area of ministry that receives the least fanfare or attention is our pastors and the young men and women being trained at KCOT. It is not only our pastors but their entire families who are dedicated and committed to serving the Lord. Through all of them the India Connection ministry is making a difference in cities, towns, and villages across India. 

Help Us Create a Support System for Pastors

The lives of the men and women who serve in our churches are full of stories, as the common threads of persecution, economic hardships, personal trials, and spiritual warfare are woven into a tapestry of faith. In 2020 we are making a conscious effort to raise awareness of the challenges they face every day; we want to pray and create a support system for these pastors in the field and those who are preparing to enter a mission field that is white and ready for the harvest.

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Pastor Krupal ministers to the flock in Warangal District.

All of our pastors would rather talk about what the Lord is miraculously doing through their ministries than how they might be physically suffering. We have pastors taking the gospel to people in the remotest areas of India. They are teaching the Word of God to people whose dialects do not have a written script. As you read this, Pastor Ray and Pastor Joseph are traveling around India meeting some of these men and their families.  

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Many Muslims come to know the Lord at Pastor Arvind’s annual Christmas service

Pastor Arvind serves in an area where local Muslims have publicly stated that they do not want a Christian church to ever exist. Pastor Arvind has been bold and courageous to preach the Gospel and he has planted two additional churches in neighboring villages. We have been to Pastor Arvind’s home and met with men, women, and families who have come to know the Lord through his faithful preaching of the Gospel. He needs our prayers and support. Would you please keep the Koinonia Fellowship of Ratnagiri district in your prayers?

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Pastor Krupal was in the first graduating class of Koinonia School of Ministry, which is now Koinonia College of Theology. Since going back to his village, Pastor Krupal pastors his home fellowship and has planted four churches in neighboring villages. All of them are thriving and souls are being added daily. The numerous baptisms seen in his ministry are clear evidence of many who are coming to know the Lord. We would appreciate your prayers for Pastor Krupal, his wife and two children in Warangal district.  

How Can You Help?

Saints, could I challenge you to pray fervently for these men and women? The Lord knows their names. Pray that He will give them courage, boldness, and wisdom to carry the Gospel to every corner of India.  

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Pastor Krupal prays with his flock at one of the four churches he ministers to

Second, let’s raise the financial support so we can continue to send men and women who have said, “I am available – send me” to take the Gospel. I want us to be ready to send everyone who wants to carry the Good News to the lost.

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Pastor Arvind’s children celebrate his son’s birthday

Thank you for your prayers, support, and love as we work shoulder to shoulder to fulfill the Great Commission.

In His Service

Pastor Ben 

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Pastor Joseph joins Pastor Arvind at a march to show unity against the persecution of Christians in India