At the end of their senior year every high school student in India who wants to go to college takes an exam that determines whether they will have that opportunity. This year we had two Girls Home graduates, and both did very well on their exams and are now enrolled in higher ed.

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Sameksha is in the same nursing program where Pranjali started last year. 

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Namrita is taking fashion & design at a local Pune school. 

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? Romans 8:31a

We see the fruits of the Spirit ripening around us as we root ourselves in the love of God. We watch as the girls at the Girls Home turn into fine young women and we know – we serve a great God!

Please continue to keep India in your prayers. No one can fathom what He has done from beginning to end through this ministry! He makes everything beautiful in its time. Blessed be the name of the Lord!